"Luckenbach Daylight," The Mayor of Luckenbach Films
This 1970s short film shows Hondo Crouch performing his poem, "Luckenbach Daylight." Crouch purchased the small Texas town of Luckenbach in 1971, helping to turn the former ghost town into a destination for artists and musicians. The footage was produced by and/or broadcast on Dallas television station WFAA.
The Texas Archive of the Moving Image is celebrating Archives Month with its award-winning Texas Film Round-Up. From October 1st to 31st, Texans are invited to send in their films and videotapes for FREE digitization. Throughout October 2020, TAMI invites participants to mail in or schedule a drop off of their materials. Specifics about the types of media and how to participate are available at
"Luckenbach Daylight," The Mayor of Luckenbach Films.
Texas Archive of the Moving Image